Thursday 25 April 2013

Hello guys! On Thursday we spent most of the class reading a story about two climbers in the Andes (New English File Intermediate Plus, 3B). They had to face a really thorny situation — one of them had a broken leg and they were having difficulty reaching the base camp. His partner was trying to […]

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Hello friends, on Tuesday we did some listening practice using our reader (exercise 1 in the worksheet). We also did some speaking using cards with questions on computing — questions like what operating system students used, what type of computer they had (if any), how often they checked their email and whether they preferred lengthy […]


1.- You are having difficult or an important English exam and you could safely cheat: I think i didin’t cheat because it was like lying myself, so, if you study something and you won´t pass the exam. Probably, you haven’t learnt too much, so you should study harder. 2.- If you could prevent either an […]